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DSH ENTERTAINMENT, INC. is going to hold a Gary, In. Spoken Word Poetry Contest for poets throughout the Metro Area.  Those poets who are selected, will receive the opportunity to  perform and showcase their spoken word poetry in front of a live audience. If you know of any poets interested in participating in the contest/audition, have them submit up to a (5) five minute video of them performing spoken word on our Facebook Business Page. Upload/post your video on our Facebook Business Page.
By uploading your video, you are giving DSH ENTERTAINMENT, INC. permission to use your video in future promotional activities on our social media platforms only.
Poets performing in the poetry event in Gary, In., are expected to sign a release form that allows DSH ENTERTAINMENT, INC. to record the event using audio and video equipment and use it for future promotional events. The contest STARTS on July. 1, 2016, and ENDS on Oct. 15,2016.    So spread the word to all of those poets who you think would be interested! Contestants and those participants in the videos must be 21 years of age and older, or have written permission from their parent(s)/guardian(s) to submit their video DSH ENTERTAINMENT, INC. Facebook Business Page.